Saturday, June 12, 2010

Abhi-Ash cheer for Brazil at FIFA 2010

When everyone is getting ready to watch FIFA Football World Cup live, die-hard football fans Ash and Abhishek are busy promoting their film Raavan . “We are missing all the action!” says Aishwarya who wanted to be in South Africa to watch the football matches live.

Interestingly a week ago Aishwarya graced the French Open Women’s finale. But no luck this time for FIFA as the couple is busy in promotions of their forthcoming film ‘ Raavan ’. Ash informs that they love this sport and were looking forward to attend FIFA action live in South Africa.

“Abhishek is a complete soccer fan”, says Aishwarya. “He is excited about the World Cup but our schedule is so packed that I don’t think we will be able to make it at FIFA this year.”

Ask her about their favourite team and Ash reveals, “Abhishek loves Chelsea and England is our favorite team but yeah the World Cup has just begun so we are supporting Brazil.”

Needless to say, if not busy with her movie promotions we would have seen Ash as an (unofficial) cheerleader for Brazil.

1 comment:

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